Customer Testimonials

We enjoy hearing from you.

Excellent speedy delivery of my brand new TTTM Lightest Pro Hammock with TTTM Lightest Straps, the day after they got my order. It's so light compared with my DD hammock and folds down to around half the size. Hoping for a break in the weather to take it out and test it out at my current favourite hammocking spot and gear-testing ground and adjust the ridgeline to my satisfaction. Hope to be able to do a full review soon...

Jon T.

Finally got a chance to try out the Ticket To The Moon Lightest Pro Hammock and lightest straps. The build quality of this hammock is exceptional. The ridgeline organiser pouch is spacious and the mozzy net can unzip almost completely and be stowed away. It's a lot stretchier than my DD Hammock - which is hardly surprising as the TTTM is made of Nylon and the DD is made of Polyester and the fabric feels very soft and comfortable. Very pleased with this purchase. Michael gave really useful advice about the use of the hammock and I get the impression that he's not only extremely knowledgeable, he's extremely passionate about hammocks and hammock camping.

Jon T.

At Hammock Camping we strive to provide our customers with the highest level of service throughout the purchasing process. If you are happy with the product, service, advice and support you received from Hammock Camping and are happy to let others know, we’d love to hear from you.

We'd also enjoy reading about your experiences and suggestions which can help others new to hammock camping, and your images will be welcomed. Your email address and any contact information will never be shared.

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